Style Guide

If you are like me, you might get overwhelmed when planning outfits for photos. I was not gifted with a sense of fashion, but here area a few simple tips I've picked up over time to help you prepare for your session.

These will help especially for planning a family session, but you could apply all to any type of session you have booked. I have personally used ALL of these tips when having my own photo taken.

Don't Stress!

My goal is to capture moments and the true spirit your life. My skills include directing you to look and feel your best. Your job is to take a deep breath and enjoy yourself! Play with your kids, laugh with your partner, share your light with the world.

Relax and Have fun with this!

Comfort and Confidence

Choose something that makes you feel confident, but also comfortable. Feel free to dress up a little more than usual, but if full makeup isn't your thing then don't force it. And if it is, go for it! Try new things and have fun with the entire process.

Accessories are you best friend

Ladies First

Mom is usually the one putting all the outfits together and planning/obsessing over every detail of the day, so ladies pick your outfit first and build from there :)

You deserve to feel your best!

Pro Tip #1:

Think about what colors you want printed in your home and plan from there.

Pro Tip #2:

Focus more on complementary colors and less about matching colors. If you are like me, you might get distracted with so many fun styles. I like to challenge myself to choose only 2-4 base colors that go well together.

Pro Tip #3

As a general rule, only one person should be wearing a print or pattern (plaid, floral, stripes, polka dots.) Choose one outfit for a print or pattern and just keep it at that. Nice and simple! :)